John 'Constantine' Pang

Friday, February 23, 2007

Serve Ends

Yesterday was the last day of my serve programme. Now my weekdays are all free again. Previously i had not enough free time to relax. Now i got too much free time that it becomes boring. I hope that i can get into JC so i can start school soon, and not wait a few more months till poly starts.

Everyone in serve was told to wear more formal on the last day of serve.. and i went in one of my most formal outfits, and i was very extra cos only a few were as formal as me, the rest just smart casual. Anyways, alot of ppl brought their camera to take some final pics with each other as momentos.. and i forgot to bring mine.

We had holy communion and the wine n bread was passed among the group. and i was the last person to have it. so actually i could finish all the bread n wine (which was alot when it came to me) then they sudenly change - the wine n bread is brought in front, free for all to take. so since i was behind they crowded around n finished it all.

AFter we were released i went with my group to suntec city. I was told we were gonna have dinner together, so that means theres much activity in mind alr. but it turned out that we just wandered around looking for things to do, and alot of time wasted, very boring.

we had lunch at secret recipe and the stuff there is so damn expensive. i ordered fish n chips $12. Then the orders of the other ppl came fast, but even after they finished, my fish n chip havent come we go check and they said it did not get registered! Stupid screwed up register caused me to wait so long and they didnt even offer any compensation. 4 of us actually. 2 of them ordered some irish dish, and there was some commotion between the ppl and the waiter.. i heard they cancelled so i tot it applies to mine also. Then the person beside me (who cancelled his order) went to buy a piece of cake and i also followed. Then i went back to sit while waiting. And suddenly 2 fish and chips arrived (1 for me) and i panicked. Only the irish thing got cancelled, the fish and chips was not! I quickly rush to the cake corner and i was just in time. the person was about to cut the cake and i shouted "XCUSE ME! STOP! HELLO.. CANCEL!!" Its like he didnt hear me until a few seconds later. Lucky he didnt cut the cake. Phew.
And so me n the other fish n chip guy ate while those who finished eating long ago just watched us eat. quite embarrassing. all their fault. but i didnt ask for compensation anyway.

After lunch, a few people went home already, so our group was quite small. We went to the cinema.. look around.. say wanna watch this or that.. deely dally... and in the end we didnt watch anything. Then we went bowling.. look around.. ask the counter on whatever stuff.. watch ppl play.. discuss wanna play anot.. then in the end never bowl. Then we went to the arcade. Look around the whole place, and finally we did something. We bought a few tokens and used it all on one machine. Some lame game where u just keep banging the color buttons.

After that we had no other plan in mind alr. i guess they would just wander around again. i very sian alr so i went home, together with 2 others. We went down to the mrt track there alr then i realised that upstairs got direct bus home! too late alr. i tap the card alr. if i exit maybe gotta pay also. and the mrt is more expensive, plus the nearest station is so far from my home. gotta take bus from there, but my card no more money after mrt ride. and my wallet only got 50 cents. so pathetic.

When i alighted the mrt, it was raining outside. i had no choice but to walk home in the rain, wearing formal attire. It can be refreshing walking home in rain in singlet, shorts n slippers, but its really awful with formal attire. The rain started to get really heavy halfway, and i had to hide under a flat for some time before the rain became lighter and i walked to church.

There was actually some stuff to do in church, but when i reached they just finished it and could go home alr. but they stayed on for some reason. nothing to do.. so i went home.
It was a rather interesting day, up to the time i reached home.


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