John 'Constantine' Pang

Friday, August 31, 2007

Class BBQ 27/8

27 aug - class bbq event organised and hosted by shane. shceduled to meet at 4pm at yew tee mrt. i gave too little time for travel. it was only the 3rd time in my life i been on the NS line. the previous time also at yew tee, going to my pastor's house. i was walking down the train and so happens bumped into jundong. arrived late, reaching at about 4.30. i tot alot of ppl r waiting for me. but only shane, ronnie and si ting was thr. the rest of the ppl came later, meeting at the house or bbq pits. the latest arrival was jolene n yolanda, at around 10pm. altogether 17 ppl from my class came, including serping.

the fire was started by 6. some other ppl were present, like shane's ex clasmates and neighbours. but it took some time before they actually get to cooking. i went out for awhile to visit my pastor staying just nearby. so happens he was just outside the house so i didnt have to ring the bell and recieve stares from his family for my appearance. the previus time i went thr was at night, so this time i was able to see, the building just opposite his house was actually regent sec... jolene's school.

when i came back ppl were alr eating chicken wings and mushmallows in rich chocolate. i joined in and coated mine with lots of chocolate. heh heh. how nice to be able to eat without feeling guilty, while tempting the girls around to go against their vanity conscience. shane's mom made potato salad (tho nothings raw) for us, and it was the best one ive eaten. the bbq variety was rather limited, with some usual bbq food like chicken wings and satay, and an uncommon bbq food; hamburger patties. i expected to see sausages, and otak. and maybe some not so common food like squids, wrapped fish, kebabs, etc. so i decided to add to the variety by introducing my foil-wrapped chicken wing. it had succeeded b4 and i say it was good. but this time somehow my chickens were all burnt to ash despite proper wrapping. But i tried again, giving special attention, and it was success! even so, nobody really believed in my chicken and didnt want to try it. theyre all such psychocentric ppl.

after eating our fill, we went to play basketball for a while, then spent hours at the bench and the playground, chatting, drinking alcoholic beverages. some were playing cards and skating. its an awfully long time spent in idle chatter. but its a really nice place to pass time, overlooking a big canal with forest on the other side. at night, the whole place outside the compound is lighted only by the moon. and yes the moon was bright and beautiful. i even got to see a rainbow beside the moon. rainbows at night are rare occurences. there was occasional disturbance of the peace by the passing malaysian train on the railway.

there was also some things to spoil the nice ambience, especially a group of ppl who burnt tons of hell notes nearby over many hours. pollutes the air and instills creepiness. too peaceful can become creepy too.
to add to the creepiness, i think i saw 2 things that shouldnt be so. 1st, a white figure seeming like running along the corridor of yew tee primary. the size is of a primary school kid. aloysius also saw it, but at a different level and direction. 2nd, a steering wheel at the playground turning by itself. it turned at least 90 degrees. i was just 2 metres away.
both were seen by the corner of my eye, and stopped once i focused on them. and i wasnt drunk.

at 1+ we went up to the house. a whole tray of unfinished bbq food was left behind. shanes mom wanted to throw it away but i wanted to bring it home. she was reluctant at first, but after much coaxing she relented. she would rather give nice food to the dustbin than to me. it was kept in the freezer till i went home. after clearing all the stuff at the bbq area and putting i at the house, some went home, while the rest except aloy accompanied jolene in her walk home. while it may be unsafe for a girl walking home alone at that time, there was certainly no need or a gang of 11 ppl to follow. but i just went for exercise and exploration.

we came back by 2.30. i was the first to bathe in the yard toilet which was very small and had no hot water or place for hanging clothes. there were about 9 who stayed over. all those staying over took turns to bathe while the rest waited in 1 room. 4 ppl kept playing bridge and the rest had nothing to do but watch or use the laptop. i sat there watching for over an hour and got so bored and tired so i went to the living room to sleep. the living room was peaceful and dark enough for me to sleep, and i found the couch rather comfortable as a bed. soon after lying down i fell asleep but was awoken again before 7.

the fellows had just finished their business in shane's room and came out to the living room. only then did they realise i had been there all the while. it was raining and the weather chilly. the sky was just starting to light up. it was time for some of them like emily, yolanda and dawn to go back home. the rest of us hang around, watch mtv. i watched little kids stream into yew tee primary in the rain and to their clasrooms. reminded me of my first 10 yrs of education.

we wanted to wait for the rain to stop, but it seemed endless. so we decided to brave the rain and dash our way around to the mcdonalds near the mrt for breakfast. there were many students there, at a time when school should have started. mainly white top maroon bottom uniform ppl. blew $5+ on big breakfast. wanted to stay longer to exploit free coffee but they wanted to go alr. aloy went home and the remaining 5 of us went back shane's room to slack.
watched some mtv first, then spent the whole morning in the room in front of the PS, playing some boxing game, then DBZ. the whole time i kept hearing the characters yell until it stayed in my head "kamehamehaaa!!!". its strange why a jap game names sth after a hawaiian person.
at noon we went to book the pool table and played until about 2. then we went back, got our stuff and headed home.
though there was much time spent together, i felt there was hardly any bonding. this is due to the activites being not inclusive of everyone. i do not feel that i have gained much from this event. few fond memories to bring back, but at least i get to bring back nice bbq leftovers.

Thursday, August 23, 2007

what is this?!

My quiz result:

You Are 54% Feminine, 46% Masculine

You are in touch with both your feminine and masculine sides.
You're sensitive at the right times, but you don't let your emotions overwhelm you.
You're not a eunuch, just the best of both genders.
My goodness. i knew i was feminine to a certain extent, but not so feminine until im MORE OF A GIRL THAN GUY! But really.. i gave my honest answers for the quiz.. and this the rather unexpected result it produces. Gosh.. that picture is disturbing. it so doesnt portray me.
But i like the last statement.
Of cos im not a eunuch. i would go for full sex change if i ever became one.
Anyways.. despite being more feminine, i am still able to live to the title of being a 'proper' male all this while. and thats all that matters.

Friday, August 17, 2007

Bad & Best

My birthday was just 4 days ago, 13 aug. And i was supposed to be celebrating in the midst of exams periods. if i could choose, i would rather be born in dec or june after all the exams. Cos every year, in every school, my birthday is always near exams, or in my case, in the exam period. the stress and all takes away my mood to celebrate, and nobody is in the mood to celebrate with me either. What a spoiler.

This year's birthday has 2 other factors that makes it seem unlucky, apart from one that occurs every year - it is the 13th. some ppl think 13 is unlucky. lucky it wasnt a friday.
- That date coincides with the first paper of my semestral exams. important exam. how was i supposed to celebrate...
- It is the 1st day of the 7th lunar month, the start of hungry ghost festival. Hungry ghost activity is supposed to be highest on the 1st and last day. And tho im not superstitious, i am still irked by the saying that hungry ghosts will join in if u hold a celebration. =.='

But this year's bd was the best so far, in terms of response. There was no big celebration like i had when i was a kid, but many more ppl remembered my bd this year, and bothered to send their wishes.
The number of wishes i received:

personally, church - 2
personally, school - 1
personally, relatives - 3
msn, church - 2
msn, school - 2
msn, other friends - 1
sms, church - 5
sms, school - 1
sms, relatives - 1
email, relatives -1
friendster testimonial - 4
blog tagboard - 1
Total: 24

Last year and the years before, it was only from relatives, and maybe a few from others.

Total material gifts received: 4
material gifts from relatives: 4

looking forward to see yet better birthdays in the future. =)

Wednesday, August 01, 2007


In a quiet green spot in my neighbourhood, a large cluster of mushrooms suddenly sprouted up... overnight. nothing like this happened here before. not that i know of, in my 16+ years living here. i know some mushrooms grow real fast, but this is unbelievably fast. strange.

mushroom clusters remind me of faerie rings. too bad these mushrooms werent in a circle.

i found another cluster several metres away. this batch is dying already.

and nearby i also found a new batch of young mushrooms rising from the earth. shall see if it blooms tomorrow.

whats strange is that.. mushrooms disperse spores by wind. so why are they growing in clusters all close together, instead of a few all over the place? interesting stuff. fairy invasion. haha.