John 'Constantine' Pang

Friday, August 17, 2007

Bad & Best

My birthday was just 4 days ago, 13 aug. And i was supposed to be celebrating in the midst of exams periods. if i could choose, i would rather be born in dec or june after all the exams. Cos every year, in every school, my birthday is always near exams, or in my case, in the exam period. the stress and all takes away my mood to celebrate, and nobody is in the mood to celebrate with me either. What a spoiler.

This year's birthday has 2 other factors that makes it seem unlucky, apart from one that occurs every year - it is the 13th. some ppl think 13 is unlucky. lucky it wasnt a friday.
- That date coincides with the first paper of my semestral exams. important exam. how was i supposed to celebrate...
- It is the 1st day of the 7th lunar month, the start of hungry ghost festival. Hungry ghost activity is supposed to be highest on the 1st and last day. And tho im not superstitious, i am still irked by the saying that hungry ghosts will join in if u hold a celebration. =.='

But this year's bd was the best so far, in terms of response. There was no big celebration like i had when i was a kid, but many more ppl remembered my bd this year, and bothered to send their wishes.
The number of wishes i received:

personally, church - 2
personally, school - 1
personally, relatives - 3
msn, church - 2
msn, school - 2
msn, other friends - 1
sms, church - 5
sms, school - 1
sms, relatives - 1
email, relatives -1
friendster testimonial - 4
blog tagboard - 1
Total: 24

Last year and the years before, it was only from relatives, and maybe a few from others.

Total material gifts received: 4
material gifts from relatives: 4

looking forward to see yet better birthdays in the future. =)


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