John 'Constantine' Pang

Friday, May 25, 2007

Superstar Virgo!

Star cruise on board Superstar virgo, 23 to 25th may 2007

A nice name for a start. named after my favourite zodiac sign. huge ship. but i noe theres bigger ones.

The cruise wasnt a heavenly experience, but memorable. also enjoyable and relaxing at times. A special treat to my eyes cause theres lots of nice and beautiful stuff to see, be it the interior of the ship, the outdoors and the scenery, as well as the short getaway on pulau redang. And of course, the company of my friends and coursemates enhances the experience.

was running late for meeting at SP. so i was in a hurry and forgot to bring my camera which i left to charge last night. BIG mistake cos theres so much good scenes to take. i realised b4 i arrived at SP, but i was late so i couldnt go back to get it. We gathered in MLT first, had more briefing , then went to harbourfront. waited in a long Q for immigration. the Q wasnt moving so i tot had a long time b4 boarding and went strolling around, go toilet n buy drink. then dawn found me n told me everyone else is on board the ship alr! so unlucky that just when i went away, the Q started moving fast. So we had to wait in another long Q.

I went to my cabin 8511. on the 8th floor and at the end. the rest of the ppl all on 9 floor. watch abit of tv, laze around, then at 5.40 i go n bathe. not used to the shower there so i took a long time slowly bathe. My roommates went off i din even noe. tv still on summore so i tot still got time. then i finish alr, check my clock.. alr 6.10... supposed to meet for dinner at 6.! Then i also dunno where to go for dinner so i go reception.. they gimme the list of restaurant. i went pavillion first, then mediterranean, and finally found them at bellavista. =.=" By then alr 6.30 and i missed appetisers. But i managed to catch up later. For that dinner we all had to dress nice-nice cos of the restaurant dress code. But really nice to see everyone so well dressed.

After dinner some filipino tourguide took us to tour the ship. see the restuarants, facilities, entertainments, etc. then we were free to roam. I followed the 9087s guys and 9077s girls to borrow twister and pictionary, then together went to the guys room to play. 11.50, went for mediterranean supper! but not much nice stuff la. Then hang around talk abit, walk around the ship, go KL's room do nth, then tired alr.. go back to my cabin n sleep. alr 2am but my roommates still not back.

Woke up abit late. about 8.30. rushed down for breakfast. joined the 9087s guys; they finished first and left without me. then i arrived at lido late. hope no demerits taken. had hours of talks in the theatre and almost fell asleep. others were too. then we went to see the kitchen in groups of 15. very big, connecting pavillion and bella. came back to lido, had disembarkation breifing, then dispatched for lunch. joined the 9087s and 9077s to lunch at pavillion. goood chinese foood in large qty cant finish. all the chicken feet went to me.

After that we went to visit the casino. but cannot play. by then the ship had stopped on unstable waters and causing all of us to become giddy and seasick. coundnt listen to casino manager giving talk.

at 3+ we got off the cruise ship, and took a boat to pulau redang. the people on my boat went high and crazy and started yelling nonsense and singing at top of their voice. especially shane and fiona. at redang, we first had a boring talk at some hall, then go over to a disco for another boring talk. only at 4.40 were we released to do whatever we wanted on the island. most of them went to swim in the clear waters or play beach games. i borrowed dawns cam and went around exploring the place by myself and taking pics. quite alot of interesting stuff around.

a stupid looking statue.

a forest atop a hill.

squirrels running above your heads

looks like a graveyard to me. but no markings.

playtime over at 6. we gathered at the jetty n took another boat back to cruiser. this time got aircon, nicer seatsand the ppl werent so high. from then on, free and easy! went back to cabin to watch disney channel. had dinner at mediterranean buffet. found the 9087s and 77s crowding around a small table outdoors, some still in wet swimming attire. no space so i had indian food by myself indoors and came out for bbq food later.

After dinner joined the group at 9077, play bluff n bridge but i din play. got so sian so i used the cam again, go around the ship taking night scenes. Got back to my cabin at 11+, enjoy a long warm bath, then slept at 12+.


set alarm at 8, but it was accidentally set to 8pm, so slept until 9.20. roommates took so long in the toilet. by the time i wash up no time for breakfast. went to helipad, but nobody there. so quickly had some pastry. time come to take class photo, nick was still sleeping in the room and the 9087 and 77 gang were nowhere to be seen. turned out that they all accompanied fiona in 9087 during her suffering of an injury.(and fell asleep in the process.)
went to pack up and check out at lido. nick offered to carry my bag (and ended up creating problems.) had lunch at medi, took a outdoor seat facing the sea by myself, then later somehow the 9077s girls picked the table behind me, like they knew i was there. the restaurant was short of tables, so some of my classmates couldnt eat.
Soon, the ship went past sentosa just a few metres away, giving us a great view of the forest, fort siloso and other stuff. too bad the camera was totally out of bettery so i couldnt take photos. The ship docked at harbourfront and we got off the ship. nick was nowhere to be found and uncontactable during that time, but i thought my bag was still with him. so i even went past the checkpoint without my bag. then finally we contacted them and found out the bag is still in the cabin and i din noe. worried for awhile, then approached the staff to get my bag. in the end it was sent over, intact. phew, what a relief.
we went viviocity supposedly to watch movie but in the end didnt. the class had alr split up by then, and i went with the 3 89-ers to carls jr for refreshment and idle chat until 5+, before i made my way back to home sweet home.


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